hell yeah lit is the brain baby of eric turner, who isn’t cool enough to be able to do all of this.
we run events like poetry night and brushes & pens.
we produce books like mid20s and zines like paper moon.
we work with artists like mena brazinski and ik.tomii.
we’re accepting submissions, always.
mid20s is documentation of the third most confusing phase of life in the third most confusing decade i’ve lived in.
this is a book of breakup essays and critical poems.
performed live, these poems have caused existential crises and full blown sobbing.
in book form, these writings will break you.
this is the process of tearing yourself apart and learning to rebuild.
this is mid20s.
paper moon zine vol. 4
the biggest and ziniest issue of paper moon so far, this volume features poets like yahz, el wright, and more.
weird in all the good ways, you can preorder here or grab an issue on the moon.